Friday, October 12, 2012

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selves. Near new mountain base of 24 MiG-2193 launch attack aircraft escort.
Our military has 24 F-10 took off to intercept these MiGs, Air Combat First they began,where can i get cheap jerseys, when the distance of 110 kilometers in accordance with the AWACS instructions has fired 48 PL14B remote air-to-air missile, which is the generic R77 extended-range missile, but control instructions issued by the carrier aircraft guidance system can accept it forward hemisphere attack maximum range of 120 km. MiGs dazed knew it went straight to a missile from their height is 3,000 meters hollow, F-10 to take a
?The low altitude of 000 meters, overlooking the MiGs to 40 km radar can be found in the F-10.
But not so they found, missile warning machine screamed. But in active missile guidance segment you want to get rid of the hunted, not the MiG-21 can easily be done, finally 13 Escape successful in high load maneuver through various stunts, but unfortunately they are in shock each 2 PL11D medium-range missile lock, the more bad luck only six escaped and scattered in all directions. They had to desperately call reinforcements and U-turn back channeling. When suffered another close cross PL9G dogfight missile attack on a fully wiped out. Pity them appeared to constantly being missile kill, do not even own missile opportunity placeholder launch. The system supports low-performance fighters will never have another fate.
Those Su-7B, MiG-23BN indeed good air combat performance,oakley straight jacket, but they are mounted ground missiles, rockets and bombs. Along attack route

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